Henry Bloom Noble Primary School

'Together we Learn and Grow'

This A2Z provides an overview of our school organisation. Additional information is provided through the year in the form of news/information letters, information evenings and booklets.

The school offices will normally be attended by the School Administrator between 8.30 am and 3.30 pm Monday to Friday if you require further information.

School holidays and diary dates are shown below:


More in the section Parents' Information - A2Z:

Absences and late arrivals

Please note: If the school is not informed of an absence the school’s administrator will contact the parents/guardians to enquire as to why a child is not in school. In some instances the cumulative effect of holidays and absence through illness can have serious implications with regard to a child’…

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Children enter the school via the playground entrances at the rear of the school. The rear doors leading to the playground will automatically open at 8:50am, the bell will ring at 8:55am, registration will take place at 9:00am and the rear door will then automatically lock. All visitors should ente…

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Admissions and catchment

For the Government's current Policy and Guidance on Admission to Primary Schools, please click here To find out if your address is within our school catchment area, type it into the “Local Information Public Map” provided by the Isle of Man Government here

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An assembly is when the school community, or part of it, meet together to share aspects of school life and the wider world. At HBN we provide our children with a range of assemblies, both educational and celebrating their successes. Act of Worship Assemblies Our assemblies, which include our Act of…

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Behaviour at HBN (Our Relationships Policy (formerly behaviour policy) can be found in the 'Policies' section of our website): As a school we expect high standards of behaviour and expect children to follow our three school rules, 'Be Ready', 'Be Respectful' and 'Be Safe'. All classrooms, Deputy He…

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Charity Donations and School Fund

Raising Money for Charity Our school raises money for various charities throughout the year. Money is raised through non - uniform days and events organised by both the staff and pupils. The children are asked to bring in donations for such events, which can also be paid via ParentPay accounts. Par…

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A wide variety of clubs both during and after the school day are run by the staff and parent helpers. Club timetables are updated each half term or term and sent out for parents to return. All after school and lunchtime clubs are run through the goodwill of the staff and volunteers, inappropriate b…

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The school has its own ‘In House’ curriculum model that has been designed to ensure that curriculum delivery is broad, balanced and appropriate to the needs of the whole school community. Curriculum planning involves all members of the teaching staff to ensure there is progression and continuity in…

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Daily routines

The school offices will normally be attended by the School Administrator between 8.30am and 3.30pm Monday to Friday if you require further information.

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School Attainment Data Below is the school attainment data based on teacher assessment in the summer term of 2024. The data does not form a complete picture of achievement at our school which is measured by the individual progress a child makes and which is reported to you in terms of above/ below…

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E Safety

Staying Safe Online The Net-Aware website is linked to the NSPCC and has useful advice for parents on apps, games and social networking pages. https://www.net-aware.org.uk/# 1) Don’t post any personal information online – like your address, email address or mobile number. 2) Think carefully before…

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Food and Drink

Dinners Children may stay for a school meal, bring a packed lunch or go home for lunch. The school provides a choice of either a hot meal or a selection from the salad bar. School meals should be paid for on Mondays of each week or half or full termly in cash (the correct amount please) or by chequ…

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Getting you ready for school life with your child

To assist in the smooth running of the School, a number of requirements will be made of you. We ask you to: Support the few rules that we do have - such as not allowing your child to bring toys, stickers, etc to School. Make sure your child does not bring sweets to School. Order and pay for drinks…

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Governing Body

Board of Education Member: Vacant Teacher Governor: Miss Laille Murphy Co-Opted Governor: Mrs Janet Barrow Co-Opted Governor: Ms Collette Johnston Co-Opted Governor: Mrs Susan Mylchreest Parent Governor: Mrs Gail Babatunde The Governing body meet regularly throughout the year, usually each half ter…

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Health and Safety

Safety in School It is very important that we make the school building as safe as possible. The doors to the school have one way locks fitted. This prevents access directly from outside to the classrooms. Playground gates are locked at 9:15am each morning and unlocked at 3:15am. Parents and visitor…

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Home learning

The school has a ‘Home Learning Policy’ that outlines what is considered to be appropriate home learning for the pupils. Home learning Policy is available on the Policies Section section of this website. We believe that learning at home supports our learning in school. Year Group expectations: The…

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Induction and Transition

Meetings for parents of children starting in Reception are held on the March prior to their start date the following September and "Parents as Partners (PAPS)" induction days are offered to all new intake pupils at the end of the summer term. These information mornings help to ensure that the child…

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Medical Information If you are concerned about your child’s hearing the school nurse can arrange for a test to be carried out. The same applies to eye tests. There is a school nurse attached to our school and they are available at certain times should you wish to discuss anything about your child’s…

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Music Tuition

Additional music tuition is supplied by visiting peripatetic teachers. Violin lessons are available for children from year 3. Instruments may be hired.

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Pupil Information Consent Forms

Pupil Information Upon registration we send out Pupil Record and Consent Forms. It is of the utmost importance that these forms are completed as they contain information regarding address, emergency telephone numbers and medical information. In addition these forms contain consent for activities bo…

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Special Needs and Nurture

Special Needs The individual needs of all children will normally be catered for within the classroom situation by the class teacher. On occasions, however, some children may have a learning difficulty which requires extra support. This may be a learning difficulty in general or in one area of the c…

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Uniform and personal belongings

We have a school uniform, based on the colours of Manx Tartan, and expect all children to wear it. Please inform the school if your child is unable to wear uniform on any particular day. The uniform requirements for boys and girls is listed below. Girls Grey or black skirts or pinafore dresses or t…

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