Henry Bloom Noble Primary School

'Together we Learn and Grow'

The school has a ‘Home Learning Policy’ that outlines what is considered to be appropriate home learning for the pupils. Home learning Policy is available on the Policies Section section of this website. We believe that learning at home supports our learning in school.

Year Group expectations:


The School will:

  • provide each pupil with a login for Mathseeds / Mathletics and Ed Shed as appropriate, and set relevant tasks for them to complete on each platform
  • provide Reception and KS1 with a reading diary and access to individual reading books which they can take home
  • provide half termly curriculum information sheets that outline the intended learning in school for the pupils
  • provide Year 1 and Year 2 with Learning Log books and send home half termly activity ideas related to their topic.
  • encourage the pupils to engage with home learning challenges
  • review learning with pupils

The pupils will:

  • complete set tasks
  • read regularly at home - this can be own books which they are interested in
  • ask for help at home and discuss their learning

The parents will help by:

  • encouraging regular engagement with apps and reading
  • helping to balance the time spent between home learning and recreational activities
  • asking how home learning and class work is progressing, and acknowledging success
  • attending the school events, productions or displays their child is involved in
  • checking if tasks have been set
  • acknowledging in their child’s reading diary when they have read at home (Reception & KS1)
  • discussing home learning with their child in their first language, if English is not the main language spoken at home, and linking it to previous experiences
  • linking Home Learning and other learning tasks to the families’ culture, history and language.
  • asking children to think about the following:
    • What was the most important thing you learned today?………..
    • What did you find interesting today?………………..
    • What surprised you?………………….
    • What did you enjoy most about today?…………………
    • What do you want to find out more about?………………….
    • Tell me one thing that still puzzles you……………

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Parents' Information - A2Z

This A2Z provides an overview of our school organisation. Additional information is provided through the year in the form of news/information letters, information evenings and booklets. The school offices will normally be attended by the School Administr…

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