Henry Bloom Noble Primary School

'Together we Learn and Grow'

Welcome to Orry’s Room - Our Specialist Provision Centre (SPC)


Our school vision is


‘Together we Learn and Grow’ is embedded in everything we do. We constantly strive for high standards to ensure that the curriculum is both exciting, engaging and stimulating and we ensure that our pupils experience as broad a range of learning opportunities as possible.

At HBN, we are very proud to have Orry's Room; a centre which is devoted to pupils identified as having complex needs. We strive to support our pupils in overcoming or coping with their daily challenges and we work hard to ensure that pupils get the very best care and education.

We treat our pupils with respect and maintain their dignity at all times and we ensure that we maintain a calm and positive disposition when working with our pupils. The language we use with and around the children is always appropriate and respectful.

Within our SPC we currently have 3 classes; Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3. Each class follows a different curriculum pathway which enables us to ensure that the classroom environment, teaching and learning approach and specialist interventions are appropriately planned to meet the specific needs of pupils.

In each class there is a core team of adults who work with the pupils daily in order to ensure consistency in delivery, strategies and in building trusting, positive relationships. We have a highly skilled team of Senior Education Support Officers and Education Support Officers who work alongside the 3 Specialist Provision Centre teachers.

Meet our Fabulous Team

Our Curriculum

In Orry’s Room, we have adopted the EQUALS curriculum, designed to meet the diverse needs of our learners. Our curriculum is divided into 4 pathways - The Pre-formal Pathway, Informal Pathway, Semi-Formal Pathway and Formal Pathway.

Orry's Curriculum

HBN EQUALS Curriculum Policy







New Starters

Our Parent Booklet is a great place to find all the information you will need to start at Henry Bloom Specialist Provision Centre.

Parent Booklet

Social Story for starting school

Inclusion at HBN

Pupils who attend Orry's Room are very much part of the wider school community. Many pupils have bespoke timetables which include sessions in their Orry's Room class as well as their mainstream class (supported by a member of the team from Orry's Room). All of our pupils have lunch in the dining hall and we endeavour to provide meaningful opportunities for inclusion for all our pupils by attending whole school events such as assemblies with visitors, Sports Day, Beach Day and much more.

We strive to plan events and activities which aim to help all pupils understand how everyone is different and that is great! We promote disability awareness, empathy and positive attitudes and kindness towards everyone. We regularly share these activities and/or events on our Facebook Page. Recent Events…


More in the section Specialist Provision Centre - Orry's Room:

Orry's Room Curriculum

Our Curriculum Intent Within Orry’s Room, our curriculum is carefully crafted to place the child at the heart of the learning process. Rooted in principles of active learning, play-based approaches, and highly engaging activities, our curriculum is designed to facilitate holistic development and me…

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Equals Curriculum Pathways Policy for Orry’s Room

Introduction: Henry Bloom Noble School recognises the diverse learning needs of children within our Specialist Provision Centre, particularly those with moderate and complex additional needs. To ensure that all students receive a tailored and inclusive education, we have adopted the Equals Curricul…

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Orry's Parent Booklet

Contents Contact Information Induction Programme Starting School/School Day What your child will need School Uniform Lunches/Snack General Information Welcome to the Specialist Provision Centre - Orry’s Room We are very pleased to welcome your child into full-time schooling here at Henry Bloom Nobl…

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