Welcome to our website

As a school we constantly focus on teaching and learning, our motto ‘Together we Learn and Grow’ is embedded in everything we do. We constantly strive for high standards in learning and work hard to ensure that the curriculum is both exciting, engaging and stimulating and we ensure that the pupils experience as broad a range of learning opportunities as possible.
We are a busy, lively school. There is always plenty going on and the atmosphere in the school certainly has a ‘buzz’. The pupils enjoy coming to school and participate fully in a wide range of activities. Please explore our website to find out more about our vision and practice. For the full picture please make an appointment to visit the school.
- Human potential has no boundaries and we embrace diversity
- Education is a right and learning should be celebrated
- Every person has a role in reducing barriers to learning
- All of our community have responsibility to act as role models
- Everyone has a place in society and deserves opportunities to find that place