Children may stay for a school meal, bring a packed lunch or go home for lunch. The school provides a choice of either a hot meal or a selection from the salad bar.
School meals should be paid for on Mondays of each week or half or full termly on Parent Pay. Notice of the amount due for each half term will be sent to parents in advance. If your child is absent during the half term period we will credit the appropriate amount and inform you accordingly. If you wish to change lunchtime arrangements please give the school at least one week’s notification.
The current Primary School Menu can be found here
Children on packed lunches should have a proper lunch container which is clearly marked with their name. Please note that hot drinks and glass bottles are not permitted. It is a school rule that all eating on the premises is confined to the dining room at lunch times. The eating of sweets is not promoted at school so please bear this in mind when preparing packed lunches. This rule is to promote healthy eating and to support dental hygiene as well as keeping the school tidy.
Children may have milk at school. This must be paid for in advance either termly or yearly. Details of prices and payment dates will be sent out in school newsletters. We do ask you not to give your children drinks in glass bottles, cans or fizzy drinks.
Free School meals are available if you already receive Supplementary Benefit or Family Income Supplement.
Forms are available from the School Office or on the Government website www.gov.im. Payment for meals must be made unless your application approval is received at School.
Milk may be ordered through the school. To help streamline our administration milk must be paid for in advance or a minimum of a half termly basis. We are not able to credit for absences. Also, we would ask that children do not start or stop milk during the half term period.
Healthy eating
Here at HBN we encourage a balanced and healthy diet. We therefore ask that children are not sent to school with sweets or large chocolate bars in their lunch boxes. A small biscuit sized bar/cake is acceptable as a pudding.
All children are allowed to bring a snack to school. From Monday to Thursday these should be healthy snacks that are low in sugar and salt e.g. fresh/dried fruit, vegetables, cracker type biscuits, cheese or cereal bars (although be careful as some contain lots of sugar). On a Friday we currently allow pupils to bring more of a treat type snack e.g.a biscuit, a small packet of crisps, a normal sized chocolate, a small cake or cake bar. Large, family-sized packets of crips, sweets and chocolate are not permitted.
We are an allergy aware school. Please see our policy here
Parents and caregivers are requested NOT to send food to school that contains nuts (especially peanuts). This includes:
✴ Packs of nuts
✴ Peanut butter or Nutella sandwiches
✴ Fruit and cereal bars that contain nuts
✴ Chocolate bars or sweets that contain nuts
✴ Sesame seed rolls (children allergic to nuts may also have a severe reaction to sesame)
✴ Cakes made with nuts ✴ Any home cooked meals for packed lunches that are made from nuts