Henry Bloom Noble Primary School

'Together we Learn and Grow'

Meeting Her Majesty Queen Camilla
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On Wednesday, the school council were lucky enough to go and meet Her Majesty Queen Camilla when she came to confer city status on Douglas. Everyone was very excited, especially hen she came over to talk to our group. Mrs Halsall and Miss Rubery enjoyed meeting her too.

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Inter-school cross country
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Last week, we had a team of boys and girls compete in the inter-school cross country championships at Noble's Park. As always, they were fantastic ambassadors for HBN and showed great sportsmanship. Here they are receiving their certificates.

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FABS Spring Term 1 2024
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Here are this half term's FABS. These children have shown Fantastic Attitude and Behaviour all half term. We had a whole school assembly to celebrate and also wished Miss Hamill a happy maternity leave.

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Mayor of Douglas Visit
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The Mayor of Douglas, Natalie Byron, came to visit school on February 7th. She was accompanied by her Sergeant at Arms who carried a very impressive mace. She wore her ceremonial robes and golden chain. She held assembly for both Key Stage 1 and 2. We all stood up when she arrived as a mark of resp…

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Grow Awards Spring Term 2024
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These pupils showed a fantastic GROW attitude this term. G - Show Grit in their learning by being resilient and trying hard even when things are tricky or go wrong. R - Take Risks in their learning by trying new things and challenging themselves. O - Be Optimistic by believing in themselves and see…

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FAB awards Christmas 2023
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Here are this half term's FABS. These children have shown Fantastic Attitude and Behaviour all half term. Their teachers are very proud of them.

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Special visitor
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Key Stage 1 had a special visitor on Tuesday. We booked Santa early so he was able to pop in between all the toy making and buying! He brought his elf and some presents for the children.

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Year 3 and 4 "Singing under the Stars."
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On Tuesday evening, Year 3 and 4 invited parents and family members to a singing under the stars event on the school playground. It was a bit chilly but the singing warmed us up and we even had s'mores and hot chocolate.

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Year 5 and 6 Carol Service
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Year 5 and 6 went to St George's church for our annual carol service. There was fabulous singing, great ukulele playing and even a keyboard solo. Well done everyone.

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