Henry Bloom Noble Primary School

'Together we Learn and Grow'

Grow Awards Autumn Term part 2
Published in the Blog

Every week the staff choose pupils who have been fantastic HBN learners. They look for pupils who have shown a GROW attitude. G - Grit R - Risk O - Optimism W - Work hard Here are some of our award winners from the second half of the Autumn term. \

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School Achieves Green Flag Distinction
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At HBN we are delighted to have been awarded Green Flag distinction from the Eco Schools Scheme. Well done to our Eco Club and Miss Jones for leading us through the process and ensuring we have students that care for and value out environment.

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FAB Awards Autumn Term 1
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All these children received a FAB in the first half of the Autumn term for: F - Fantastic A - Attitude B - Behaviour They displayed these qualities all half term. Here are Key Stage 2 Here are Key Staff 1

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Harvest Festival
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We held our annual Harvest Festival on October 16th. Everyone enjoyed being thankful for our food and farmers. Thank you for all the donations that were sent in. All food was donated to the IOM Foodbank.

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Year 6 visited by a Buddhist Monk
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Mrs Nelson organised a visit to Year 6 by WatMahatha, a Buddhist monk. This was part of RE work on understanding religions of the world. They took part in guided meditations and were able to ask him questions and his beliefs and practices.

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Rock Kidz 2024
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We had another visit from the amazing Rock Kidz at the end of September. They always fill the school with joy and fun and share positive messages about kindness and self belief. Remember YASBA - Your are awesome, be awesome. We all loved getting dressed up as rockstars, having dance battles and lea…

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Manx Lit Fest Poet Visit
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As part of Manx Lit Fest, we were very luck to receive a visit from a poet. Amina Atiq was visiting the Island from Liverpool. She came and told us about her life, read some of her poetry and got Year 3 and 4 to have a go at being poets themselves.

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Grow Award Winners Autumn Term
Published in the Blog

Every week the staff choose pupils who have been fantastic HBN learners. They look for pupils who have shown a GROW attitude. G - Grit R - Risk O - Optimism W - Work hard Here are some of our award winners from the Autumn term.

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