Henry Bloom Noble Primary School

'Together we Learn and Grow'

Grow Awards Autumn 2022
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We award Grow certificates every week pupils who have shown a GROW attitude to learning. They will: G - Show Grit in their learning by being resilient and trying hard even when things are tricky or go wrong. R - Take Risks in their learning by trying new things and challenging themselves. O - Be Op…

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Cricket Tournament
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Some Key Stage 2 children competed in a cricket tournament. They did so well and improved their skills in every game they played, showing great resilience and team work. Rainier stepped up to be team captain and he was brilliant!

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A Letter From The Queen!
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We have had a letter from The Queen! We wrote to her to tell her that some of us had planted trees for her Jubilee and last week we received a letter to say thank you. The children have been SO excited.

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World Book Day!
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We had an amazing World Book Day filled with all things books! We had local author Judith Newbold in school to read her story, children read with buddies from different year groups, and each key stage focused on a book of the day in which they've produced fantastic work for. Enjoy photos of all the…

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Tag Rugby Tournament!
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We are so proud of our Year 2 and 3 tag rugby teams who took part at the inter-school competition! Even though they only had a few training sessions, they showed great skills and it was fantastic to see their game play improving with the more games they played. More than that, they all had lots of…

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Tree Planting for Douglas Borough Council!
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Pupils from HBN took part in tree planting organised by Douglas Borough Council to commemorate Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee. 70 trees have been planted at the side of the new cycle lane by Douglas Golf Course. They had great fun on the day and are happy to have contributed to something tha…

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