Henry Bloom Noble Primary School

'Together we Learn and Grow'

Key Stage One Christmas Concert
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Key Stage One have performed 3 fantastic concerts this week. The children shared the Nativity Story and signed fantastically. Check out the video of one of their songs that we entered into 3FMs Carol Cup. Key Stage One Carol Cup

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Children in Need
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We had lots of fun raising over £600 for Children in Need. Here are our colouring completion winners.

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Thank you to NK Construction
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KN construction kindly donated some reflectors to all our children to help keep them safe on these darker winter nights. Thank you! We are all looking forward to using them.

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Year 5 led the school in an assembly to help us understand the importance of Remembrance Day. Thank you Year 5 for sharing a respectful and informative assembly. Lest we forget.

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FAB Awards
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At the end of each half term, teachers choose a boy and a girl from their class who have shown Fantastic Attitude and Behaviour all half term. We celebrate them in out FAB assembly where they get a certificate and a FAB ice lolly. Here are the winners so far this year.

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Cricket Donation
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Before half term, we were in the very fortunate position to receive at donation of some new cricket equipment from Ravenscroft. We established close club school links with Cronkbourne Cricket Club and have had training sessions with Sally Green and other coaches from the IOM Cricket Association. Th…

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Grow Awards Autumn Term 2023
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Here are the Grow award winners from the Autumn Term. Pupils achieving a GROW will have shown: G - Show Grit in their learning by being resilient and trying hard even when things are tricky or go wrong. R - Take Risks in their learning by trying new things and challenging themselves. O - Be Optimis…

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Time capsule
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The builders working on the old Ballacloan School site recently found a time capsule buried by pupils and staff when the school was first built. Discovered sealed in wax and wrapped in lead, the time capsule was found beneath one of the school’s foundation stones. Thanks to the digitised newspaper…

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GROWS Spring 2023
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Here are the Grow award winners from the Spring Term. Pupils achieving a GROW will have shown: G - Show Grit in their learning by being resilient and trying hard even when things are tricky or go wrong. R - Take Risks in their learning by trying new things and challenging themselves. O - Be Optimis…

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