Henry Bloom Noble Primary School

'Together we Learn and Grow'

At HBN we focus on providing children with life skills that prepare them for their futures. We invite outside agencies around our community to come and teach the children, for example, first aid skills, cycling proficiency and scooter proficiency. Additionally, we organise trips out into our community to help, for example, tree planting for Douglas Borough Council. We plan trips that are based on the year group's current topic to engross and motivate them in their learning and also provide our pupils with real life, memorable experiences. Upper Key Stage 2 also have the opportunity to go on a residential trip and a Venture Centre trip each year so that they can develop their independence, resilience skills and self confidence.



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At HBN we are proud of providing a broad and balanced curriculum. We are committed to providing rich and creative experiences which enable our children to develop skills that prepare them for their futures. We offer a wide range of opportunities for chil…

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