Henry Bloom Noble Primary School

'Together we Learn and Grow'

FREE Teaching Resources Round Up

At Henry Bloom Noble Primary School we use the White Rose Maths scheme as the basis of our daily maths lessons. We use the scheme to focus on developing children's mental maths recall, concept knowledge, fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills from Reception through to Year 6 across a range of mathematical topics. We relate mathematical skills to real life experiences to provide purpose to their learning through the use of concrete resources, pictorial representations, questioning and abstract thinking. When the children are ready, we then provide the children with opportunities to deepen their knowledge through reasoning and problem solving using White Rose and Classroom Secrets activities and challenges.

We also encourage parents to download the '1-Minute Maths' App created by White Rose Maths which develops children's mental maths skills.

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At HBN we are proud of providing a broad and balanced curriculum. We are committed to providing rich and creative experiences which enable our children to develop skills that prepare them for their futures. We offer a wide range of opportunities for chil…

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