Henry Bloom Noble Primary School

'Together we Learn and Grow'

At HBN we believe that emotional wellbeing and self confidence is paramount and key to good academic progress. In our Bloom Room we provide bespoke emotional support for individual children who may need support to improve their self-esteem and confidence, manage anxieties, or develop friendship skills. We also provide additional support to children who may have further personal difficulties such as bereavement or separation.

Our Bloom Room is a safe place where children can relax in the knowledge that they will be heard and listened to and given support if required. The room is more like a home setting and has a relaxing, bright and welcoming atmosphere where we are able to develop trust and positive relationships with our pupils.

Mrs Halsall plans a large range of activities for pupils aged from Reception to Year 6. Here are some examples:

- Daily check in at the beginning and or end of the school day including snack and chat

- Listening service lunchtime and during the school day

- Isle Listen sessions

- Paws for Therapy (fortnightly)

- Baking sessions

- Art Therapy

- Gardening

- Lego Therapy

- Craft activities

- Zones of regulation and self regulation strategies

- Drawing and Talking

- Play Therapy

-Moo Music

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At HBN we are proud of providing a broad and balanced curriculum. We are committed to providing rich and creative experiences which enable our children to develop skills that prepare them for their futures. We offer a wide range of opportunities for chil…

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