Henry Bloom Noble Primary School

'Together we Learn and Grow'


Well done to our GROW award winners this week!

RD - Binky

For being such a kind friend and asking others to join in when they are lonely on the playground or in the classroom.

- Ernie

For trying hard in Guided Reading when blending sounds together to make whole words.

RW - Sophie

For showing confidence when recognising new letter sounds during Guided Reading.

1P - Ella

For a good attitude towards learning; always being ready and trying her best.

1S - Georgie

For working really hard both at home and at school.

2G - Elleigh-Raye

For excellent effort with her reading.

- Shawn

For excellent effort with his handwriting.

2H - Callum

For being resilient with independent learning tasks and making super progress with his reading.

- Poppy

For making a conscious effort to make choices that are going to help her concentrate on her learning. A super week, well done!

3B - Dillan

For trying his hardest with his handwriting and applying it across different subjects.

3E - Ava

For working hard to identify non-fiction features.

4I - Kenneth

For a fantastic attitude at swimming.

4B - Trizthin

For great improvement in swimming.

5L - Dylan

For showing a fantastic attitude towards learning, especially in English.

5J - Bobby

For making brilliant contributions during whole class reading.

6J - Lara

For amazing grit and work in Maths this week.

6CJ - Cole

For working really hard in Maths all week.